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Hibbert House Preservation (JNHT Complex)

This project was affectionately called "THE FACELIFT" -  Rehabilitation (Conservation Preservation) of Headquarters' House/ Hibbert House/ Jamaican Second Parliament Building (East, North & South Façade) - PHASE 1 


This emergency project was an opportunity to put into action, a viable conservation project. It meant doing conservation preservation to the second Parliament building in Jamaica, that is today also know as Headquarters House (HQH). The building was built in 1755 by English merchant and slave trader, George Hibbert.  


This conservation project was done within principles of value heritage design and conservation management processes. Non-destructive restoration and preservation required conservation treatment through medium - long term maintenance and repair effort to retain its historic make up and appearance and  cultural significance. The process of anastylosis was applied and complimented by the following scope of works. 


  • Repairs to windows: Stripping of old paint and finishes

  • Repairs to wooden sidings; Sanding and prep-work to receive paint and finishes; stripping and sanding of entablatures, moldings, dentils, dashboards louvers, cornice, corbels,  columns, fascia boards

  • Replacing of defective window glazing

  • Repairs to window awnings

  • Replacement of worn entrance awning

  • Repairing Flashing: Stripping and Repainting of Gate and Metal Fence; Stripping brick boundary walls

  • Dusting, Scraping, Cleaning Landscaping, Polish, Varnish, Staining and Painting

  •  Applying lime based protective coating on eternal façade 


Role: Project Manager - lead designer, initiator and implementor for the conservation project. 


Project Status: Phase 1 - Completed

Phase 2 - Proposed Expansion to Corner's Court Preliminary Design - Completed

Phase 3 - Funding and Project Implementation - Unknown

Site Location Map 

Duke Street

Historic Georgian 
Hibbert House

Mid-Century Modern Coroner's Court Ruin


Beeston Street
Mark Lane 
Church Street

Massing Block - Schematic Parti Diagrams

Hibbert House

Coroner's Court  Ruin



Phase 1 Conservation and Preservation
Hibbert House/ HQH

Phase 2 Conservation and Restoration Adaptive Reuse 
Coroner's Court (Former Children's Court)

Phase 3 - Conservation and Renovation 
Link Way Building

Phase 3 - Conservation and Renovation
Annex Building

JNHT 2.jpg

Hibbert House / Headquarters House / House/Preservation / 2nd Parliament Building 
(Image Credit - JNHT)


Phase 1 - Before 2017 

JNHT 6.jpg

Phase 1 (Completed) - After 2017 Conservation and Preservation


PHASE 2 -  Coroner's Court  (AS-IS) 

PHASE 2 -  Coroner's Court  into Archaeology Department:
Conservation Restoration and Adaptive Reuse Project Proposal Rendering


PHASE 2 -  Coroner's Court  into Archaeology Department
Conservation Restoration and Adaptive Reuse Project Proposal Floor Plan

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